
Inquiries regarding class or itinerary details may be directed to snorman@dilidally.net / 520-883-3030.
For assistance with registration please contact the Reservations Coordinator at education@dilidally.net / 520-883-3025.

High summer is the beginning of the O’odham calendar, as this is the time to harvest saguaro fruit. Spend the morning gathering fruit in the O’odham manner, using a harvesting pole made from the ribs of the giant cactus. The class begins with a blessing and song by our O’odham friends who share their family stories about the importance of the saguaro. We learn about different ways that the fruit is prepared and preserved, and about the animals that use the saguaro for food and shelter. This class will take place entirely outdoors at a site a couple of miles from the Museum.

价格和注册详情- 6月27日

价格和注册详情- 6月29日


August is the season that the beautiful red fruit of the prickly pear cactus ripens. 和2022世界杯下注一起收获果实吧, 清洗它, practicing three different ways of rendering juice from it, 学习如何做果冻. 但是,水果只是可食用商品的一半! 嫩的绿色垫子也可以吃. 刺梨的种类太多了! 了解一下2022世界杯下注当地的情况, as well as those from southern Mexico that have been bred for over a millennia to be spineless. 2022世界杯下注将向您展示如何选择, 清洁, 烧烤, 然后腌一下肉垫, as well as share other natural history bits surrounding the nopal.

价格和注册详情- 8月17日

价格和注册详情- 8月23日

2024年9月12日- 26日

西班牙的雨主要落在平原北部. 这就是为什么土地是翠绿的. This is the land that the Celts originated from and that the Basques continue to inhabit. 在这次旅行中,2022世界杯下注将了解青铜时代的卡斯特罗, 罗马的金矿和铁矿, 以及阿斯图里亚和坎塔布里亚的传统生活方式. 作为旧的对应物, 2022世界杯下注参观了毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆现代艺术博物馆, 了解和品尝巴斯克文化. 2022世界杯下注探索农场的腹地, 森林和村庄, 沿着圣地亚哥之路散步. Our coastal route follows the narrow-gauge local train, 的FEVE型, from which we hop on and off for stays at seaside towns, where we drink apple cider and enjoy regional seafood and Asturian fabada. Then there is the fairytale scenery:  the northern edge of the peninsula falls dramatically into the Cantabrian Sea in steeply tilted rock walls. To complement the landscape, we share lessons on the geology of the Iberian Peninsula.

Would you like to be more knowledgeable about the animals, plants and landscape of our desert? 这个为期两天的调查课程涵盖沙漠生态学, 沙漠改编, 气候, 哺乳动物, 鸟, 爬行动物, 有毒的动物, 植物学, 地质学和民族植物学. We also touch on current threats to our desert such as invasive species, 水和气候变化问题, 濒危物种和恢复计划. With a variety of instructors and a Sunday morning 植物学 hike we will pack a lot into one weekend!

New Mexico:  Pueblo Feasts, Heritage Farming and the Atomic Bomb
2024年11月6日- 13日
四个多世纪以来, the Old-World charm of Santa Fe has captivated travelers with its Spanish and Pueblo heritage.  在古代, Native Americans hunted and fished in the luxuriant valley at the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, 在河底肥沃的平原上种植庄稼.  Later, Santa Fe was established as a Spanish provincial capital. 在为期一周的旅行中, 人种学家Jesús加西亚将社会, 文化, 历史, 以及新墨西哥州的土著风情.  亮点包括洛斯阿拉莫斯, the epicenter of the top-secret Manhattan Project; the bountiful feast celebration day at Jemez Pueblo; the sacred village of Chimayó; and the picturesque Los Luceros Ranch, 专做传统作物. Visits to iconic galleries will be extra special with guest lectures by renowned indigenous historians. 如果这还不够的话, we explore the rich history of conversos and Crypto Jews – Spain’s Jewish citizens who were forced to leave their country for not converting to Christianity.  




在澳大利亚内陆,每个人都这么做. In the Sonoran Desert the rain in vain falls mainly down the drain. Did you realize that by harvesting water in a well-mulched basin, you can keep moisture in the soil for up to two months? That moisture can produce lush bird and lizard habitat, 让你的家更凉爽, 减少水电费. 在这次旅行中 you will learn how to redirect rainwater from problem areas and how to calculate the amount of water can be collected off of your roof. 2022世界杯下注还将介绍灰水, 存储, 有关条例及奖励措施, 阴影, 窗户, 斜坡及导水管. Participants will see many strategies that can be applied to their own home and neighborhood.

2024年12月6日- 8日
It rests in the desert grasslands along Arizona’s southern border with the dramatic backdrop of Baboquivari Peak always in view. 在这次旅行中, 2022世界杯下注参观了布宜诺斯艾利斯国家野生动物保护区, which has breeding programs for the endangered pronghorn and Masked Bobwhite Quail and offers birding for many species including Herons, 灰色的鹰, 朱红色捕蝇器, 红头伯劳和金雕. We will take in a lot of local history, learning about the Spanish Barb horses that descend from Fr. 吉纳的群, 墨西哥革命在这里发生的故事, 还有老鬼城和采矿营地. 2022世界杯下注顺便去看看边境小镇佐佐abe, 加入地质学课程, have a morning free for optional activities such as riding e-bikes or horses, 享受美味佳肴. Come nighttime, we are treated to cowboy poetry and a star-studded winter sky.

2024年12月15日- 18日
Explore El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve, 联合国教科文组织世界遗产, with 文化 conservationist Jesús García and geomorphologist/anthropologist Fred Nials. The volcanic landscape of the Pinacates includes huge maar craters, 两种不同的熔岩流, 火山渣锥, and majestic shifting dunes hosting their own specialized ecosystems. This young volcanic field is adjacent to the Sea of Cortez, which because of extreme low tides allows viewing of its marvelous intertidal marine life at the Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans. Uniting the desert and beach is one of the most important natural salt reserves in Mexico, Campo La Salina.  Located in Gulfo de Santa Clara where natural freshwater springs and saltwater meet, 这层盐对托霍诺·奥哈姆来说是神圣的. 为了一种特殊的文化体验, 2022世界杯下注将参观基托瓦茨的奥哈姆社区, an important oasis along the ancient salt pilgrimage trail to the sea.

